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PR Your LIFE Not Just Your Races

Life is One Big PR. DREAM BIG 


I’ve met so many great individuals over the past year that have motivated and inspired me beyond any level imaginable. Don’t believe me? As Emily loves to remind me, I said I would never ever run a marathon. Ever. I was Mr. Half-Man. I love half marathons. But I keep meeting and observing the actions of so many of you. People who continue to push day after day after day. And no, not all these people are runners. It’s across the board in the fitness community and their influence on me goes back years now. I mean if it wasn’t for Stacey Griffith, I don’t think I would have ever DJed on the side for fun. She even had me contemplating moving to India for a year!


When it is all said and done, it’s on only one person to set goals. It’s on one person to see those goals realized. It’s on one person to cherish those realized goals. I’m a firm believer in the PR. I am a firm believer one should try and PR every day. I think it’s a great thing to have yet unachieved and hard to obtain goals. And to dream the impossible. They don’t even have to be realistic but that’s where the balance of having fun comes in.

I’ve been a runner since March. I’ve been a dreamer for way longer. Do I want to Boston Qualify (BQ) one day? Hell yea I do! The chances I BQ are as remote as anything but when people ask what my marathon goals are I always answer with a 3.15. When I’m asked my current half goals I say 1.39 on the way to a 1.30. I want to do an IRONMAN like Michele & Kara. I want to run 100 miles like RunEMZ. I want to do a marathon and half marathon in one day like Pavement Runner. Will I? Who knows. But the fact is I feel way better every day knowing I have these goals vs. not. And yes, I remind myself every day, while having these goals and remaining as focused as I have ever been, to have fun and enjoy the journey. The journey is the best part!

Why do I want to PR every day? Because it has trained me to try and become a better person. So many need help in the world today. Most runners run for some charity or another. Most boutique fitness studios hold fundraiser classes each week. You should look to help those less fortunate every day. You should look to help make your community a better place every day. You should look to get involved  in organizations that ground you as a person reminding you of what is important in life.

I volunteered at Chicago Children’s Memorial years ago. I can point to those days as my turning point. My punch in the face that there are things way worse in life than a bad day at the office, a delayed plane, a bad run or a bad meal.  Volunteering there also served as my reminder that one should always strive to better themselves as a person.


The PR is a metaphor for life. It could be anything. Look in the mirror and ask yourself to do the impossible. If you aren’t a runner and someone asks you if you want to run a 10k or half marathon, your answer should not be “I could never”or “I just don’t have it in me.” Wrong attitude. It should always be “yes I think I can. ”

Even better would be “Yes, I know I can.” Lindy Flowers said it best in her SoulCycle class this past Monday out in San Francisco: “If you don’t turn the dial to the right and continually add resistance, how will you ever know what you can actually achieve.” There is resistance every day in our lives but we power through one way or another.

The PR doesn’t even have to be fitness related. PR in how many hugs you give your kids. PR in how many times you see friends each week or month. PR in giving your dog belly rubs. PR in seconds snuggling with a loved one. Hate snuggling? PR in seconds pretending to snuggle ;) Hate your job? PR in ways to find a new job. PR in decreasing how many negative or discouraging thoughts go through your mind or come out of your mouth. PR in positive commentary, not negative commentary. PR your life.


Everyone one of us has the ability to find and achieve our impossible. And you should not get down on yourself if you don’t hit your goals right away. Think of everything as part of the journey to make you a better person. The PR is just a number but shouldn’t be a permanent fixture. The PR should be ever changing. It’s ok to be scared. We’re all human. But that is where friends come in. You want help, just ask. You need people to push you to another level, just ask. “I can’t” should never be your answer. Ever.

In the end, when it is all said and done and you look back, I guarantee it will be better to say life was one big PR vs. any regret for not going after the impossible. So next time someone asks you what your goals are, what your dreams are, don’t answer with the achievable. Answer with what you think may be impossible. And get after it. You’d be shocked how possible your impossible is. 

For those of you in the dark, breathe. Dream awake. Dream alive. Dream free. Never give up. Never give in. Be your own strong. Be your own awesome. Be your own PR.

Reposted with Permission from NYC Sweat