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Everything I Need in Life… I Get from Running

We all hit rough spots occasionally – and while you can’t control what life throws at you, you can control how you handle it. And the ability to keep it together -no matter what- can be developed, or at least strengthened, through running. Talk about bang for your buck in an exercise session.

Here are some of the things that running can teach you about getting through the tougher parts of this crazy thing called life:

1. Just because it hurts doesn’t mean you stop. Any time you put yourself out there, you risk getting hurt. This doesn’t mean that you just stop. Acknowledge the pain, respect the pain, but keep moving. Unless you truly can’t. Because…

2.Sometimes being hurt actually does mean you stop.  Know when a strain has become a tear. Or a break. Develop confidence from pushing through pain and difficult times when you are able, so that you will know when the pain is too much and you just need to STOP. And heal, so you can move on when you are ready.

3. There will always be bumps in the road. Count on it. Try to avoid them. When you can’t, face them head on with your eyes wide open and tackle them as best you can.

4. Pain is temporary, Glory is forever. You will end up in pain at some point. But pain is temporary, and how you handle it will affect how you feel about yourself forever. If you give up, how will you feel about it later? Most people seem proudest not of their PR races, but of the difficult races that they refused to quit. Keep that in mind when you are struggling.

5. You’re never truly alone. There is always someone else who has gone through whatever it is that hurts you. Someone who cares. And sometimes it is a random bystander who touches you in some way and helps you to keep moving…so be open to every source of support.

6. But in the end, it’s all up to you. You might not be alone, but you are definitely the only one living your life. Just like you are the only one running your race. In the end, no one else can carry you through difficult patches. Make sure you have the strength to carry yourself.

7. Keep your eyes on the prize. Whatever that prize may be. Sometimes, the goal is a PR, and in sometimes, the goal is just to cross the finish line. Keep your focus on your goal – and your goal only. When life hands you a curveball, it’s time for a little triage.  Prioritize. Then focus on your primary goal and let the rest fall away. There will be other races with different goals. Don’t lose sight of the one that is in front of you.

8. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over. We have all had the race that started one way and ended quite differently. Don’t write off an experience, a challenge, a person, until it is truly over. If you are not at the finish line yet, there is always hope that things will improve.

9. It’s a Marathon. And a Sprint. Sure is. Some parts of life fly by at lightning speed and you need to control your pace in order to slow down enough to enjoy them. Others seem to drag on forever and you need to draw on your endurance to get through them. If you can’t handle both? Well, then, it’s probably time to revisit your training.

Reprinted with Permission from Marathon and Sprint