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I’m a Real Runner! Or Am I?

Become a Real Runner

So you want to become a “real runner”, eh?

That’s great! Being a runner is as awesome as you can possibly imagine and probably more and I’m going to help you! I’ve got some basic tips in this Become a Real Runner Series that you’re going to LOVE. Don’t worry, it’s easy.

By the end of it you’ll have one of these moments:

Become a Real Runner: Phase 1

First, you’ll need to learn how to make these faces. Practice, practice, practice.

pain face

See Thank You Notes for links to these women’s blogs.

This is how you show others you are battling heat, nausea, or the full-body pain of trying to keep your stupid feet moving toward yet another finish line. It’s was real runners do. It is a breath-taking experience. Literally.

But in all seriousness…the road to becoming a Real Runner is pretty simple:

Step 1: Go for a run.

I know, that’s actually a lot harder than it sounds. So many questions about the right shoes, good form, what do you wear, where do you run, and for how long or how far…. Also, so many ugly thoughts about people who might see you and what they think, how tired you are, and all the other things you have to do today….

So let me make it easier.

  1. Run for time. Can you find 10 minutes in your day? 15 minutes? 20 minutes? Then go run for that amount of time only. That way you know you have time to make it happen. Anything less than 30 minutes is easy to wrap your head around.
  2. Run slow. Some say you should go slow enough that you can carry on a conversation or sing the theme song to the Brady Bunch. Run slow enough that, when you finish, you feel like you could easily do more.
  3. Run easy. Same thing as above but it bears repeating because I know you’ll ignore me. If your body isn’t used to running it’s NOT going to feel comfortable. So start super slow, check in with your body to see if you can breathe easy, and if so, maybe go a bit faster. If you start breathing hard or feeling angry, you’re going too fast!

Step 2: Run again, but not too much.

You know how sometimes you JUST meet someone but think you could be soulmates? You know how that’ll never happen if you call them every day and show up at their house after dinner and ask them to go on vacation with you?

Play it cool! Slowly show your body that running is at least a candidate for being a good friend, if not your soulmate.

  1. Run 2 or 3 times a week for 15 to 30 minutes each time.
  2. Do that for 3 weeks before you add another day.
  3. Do that for 3 weeks before you add another
  4. Do that for 3 weeks before you up your time spent running each day.
  5. Stop adding while you still feel positive about running.

Step 3: Look in a mirror.

If you complete Step 1 and at least a portion of Step 2, great! Go find a mirror to see what a real runner looks like. No pain face required! It’s really that simple.

Tip: Don’t think, just run.

I’m an over-planner and researcher. If you are too, then I’m sorry. When it comes to running, the habit will be won by those who just go out and DO IT as opposed to sitting at home mapping a route online first, hemming and hawing about what to wear, waiting for a fancy sports watch to charge, and generally procrastinating the hell out of it. There is a time for all that fuss and focus, but for now, if you’re just starting (and your doctor says it’s okay), just go try it. Slowly.

Pain Face Runner Credits:





This post is adapted with permission from the original found at Thoroughly Thriving