If you have been following a training plan for a race, especially a half or full marathon, you likely noticed that the week or two before the race calls for less mileage and shorter workouts. The decrease in training volume … Continue reading

If you have been following a training plan for a race, especially a half or full marathon, you likely noticed that the week or two before the race calls for less mileage and shorter workouts. The decrease in training volume … Continue reading
This past weekend my Girls on Track team (the Middle school program for Girls on The Run) had their end of season 5k race. It’s always such an emotional and rewarding experience for me to see the girls achieve their … Continue reading
You ran your first half marathon. Did you get the “this is amazing” feeling at the end? What were some of the emotions going through your mind at the finish? I’m going to guess that if you are interested in … Continue reading
I grew up swimming competitively. Maybe some day I’ll go into my background with swimming (probably when I train for a triathlon LOL) but for now, all you need to know is swimming was my life. But it didn’t make … Continue reading
In February, I had the incredible opportunity to sit down with an icon of women’s running, Joan Benoit Samuelson. Winner of the first Women’s Olympic Marathon gold medal, two time Boston Marathon champ, and owner of a myriad of other … Continue reading
The word “runner” was never in my vocabulary. I grew up hating running but yet, I always wanted to be a runner. To me, running seemed like the epitome of health and fitness. Plus it just looked like people were … Continue reading
“God made me for a purpose… And when I run, I feel His pleasure.” –Eric Liddell Here’s what I truly love about running: Every single lesson it has taught me, can be applied to my life. Maybe it’s the reason … Continue reading