To be inspired is great but to inspire is an honor.
We believe that a single Runcoin has the power to change someone's life.
All because you love to run.
And you passed it on.
Running can be given.
Do you remember who gifted you with the love of running? Maybe it was a loved one you cheered on, while they were running their first marathon. The way a coworker's eyes lit up as she talked about her first 5k. Or the friend who invited you out for a run one morning when the day was still new. Someone gifted you with running and now it's your turn to pay it forward.
You are here because you love to run. It doesn't matter if you've been running for years or just a few weeks, running has become a part of who you are--it's what you do.
Some runs are light and carefree. Others are challenging and help you work through worry and heart ache. Whatever the reason, you love to run, and you continue to lace up day after day. Because the love of running keeps you coming back for more.
Someone out there hasn't taken the first step--and has no idea how running can change their life. But the spark is there. They have an interest because they see the joy it brings to the runners around them. And they want a part of it.
How can you give the gift of running to someone else?
With a runcoin, running can be given.
Use your runcoin to pass on the gift of running and watch it transform someone else's life. Maybe it's a loved one, or a friend, it could be a stranger. You can share the runcoin with someone who has never taken a running step, or give it to a life-long runner. It's all about the journey.
A single coin has the power to change someone's life.
All because you love to run.
And you passed it on.
Then watch as it all unfolds--runners new and old sharing their stories, as the runcoin you passed on, travels the world.
Be part of a running movement that connects people across the world with one simple runcoin.
Running can be given.