So Long, Sunshine
Amy Pike
December 01, 2018
Caught in the Dark
Amy Pike
January 03, 2018
The Magic of a Dare
Amy Pike
January 23, 2017
Say What?
Amy Pike
January 17, 2017
What’s So Fun About Running?
Amy Pike
January 06, 2017
Running Through The Holidays
Amy Pike
January 01, 2017
Eye on the Prize
Amy Pike
February 26, 2016
Marathon. The dream.
Amy Pike
October 31, 2015
Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

New Featured eBibs

I legit only drink gatorade, coffee or  alcohol. I'm either hydrated, drunk or jittery as hell!
A true running friend waits for you when you need to take a dump mid-run
"Why do you run every day?" Me: So I'm less of an asshole
My friend: "My track workouts are not that hard, you won't die or anything"  Me after:
Name a better feeling than going for  a run you almost canceled and it ends  up being amazing
26 POINT FRICKIN TWO. Because my kids deserve a mother  they can brag about.
I overthink. I overtrain. I overeat.
The truth is you can always run faster  but sometimes the truth hurts
I'm 1% human and 99% tired
How influencers begin every sentence: "Guys..guys!! ......Guys!!!! I'm so freakin' excited!!"
I like running by myself so I can replay 1 song 67 times with no complaints
Nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities
somewhere right now a non-runner is asking a runner if their knees hurt because of all the running
Black Friday Warning  The most important things in life  aren't things
I care deeply about like 5 people in my life, and about 1800 ebib avatars on  the internet that I've never met
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