So Long, Sunshine
Amy Pike
December 01, 2018
Caught in the Dark
Amy Pike
January 03, 2018
The Magic of a Dare
Amy Pike
January 23, 2017
Say What?
Amy Pike
January 17, 2017
What’s So Fun About Running?
Amy Pike
January 06, 2017
Running Through The Holidays
Amy Pike
January 01, 2017
Eye on the Prize
Amy Pike
February 26, 2016
Marathon. The dream.
Amy Pike
October 31, 2015
Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

New Featured eBibs

When you're on the runningwarehouse website and your husband asks "do you really need that?" Do I really need you, Greg?
Most common thoughts during a run:  What in the actual fuck...? How in the actual fuck...? Why in the actual fuck...? During the last mile:  Fuck yeah baby!! That's  what I call a good run.   I can't wait for tomorrow!
"I used to hate running."     –every current runner everywhere
One day you're young and carefree  and the next you apply a small piece of tape over each nipple before your run
Running a marathon is mostly  whispering "for fucks sake" every  time you see a mile marker
I'm only photogenic when I'm taking my own pictures, Idk what everybody else be doing... tryna sabotage me
When you realize your only 2 hobbies include running and taking naps
Me seeing a personal trainer who needs a personal trainer
You can't cheat the grind. People shed blood, sweat and tears to make this  shit look easy.
You meet your first time marathoner  self.... you're allowed 3 words.  What do you say?
Mention someone who has always  been there for you in your ups and downs
1% of the population will run a  marathon in their lifetime; it's their obligation to talk about it so the  remaining 99% will know  what they are missing.
Imagine they delete instagram and  BOOM!!! You're not a Model anymore
They won't say it but you motivate  them.
It gets dark early af now.. sneaky links  can start at 6 p.m. now
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