Do You Have Good Scars?
Do You Have Good Scars?

Not just the physical ones, but the mental ones too.

The ones that are left behind by experiences that you just can’t shake, nor would you want to.

Have you ever run up the side of a mountain with no trails or directions?
Have you ever trudged through the night and into the sunrise?
Have you been caught out in a storm in the middle of nowhere?
Are you going out of your way to try things that you are likely to fail?
Do you regularly get the chance to push yourself to your limits or beyond?

Life is not meant to be safe. It is meant to be pushed, pulled, stretched and strained. Without risking the scars (both physical AND mental), what hope have we got of really living?

Our society has evolved to deliver us away from danger, risk and challenge. Every task we undertake has a gadget or a tool to help make it easier. When we want something, we can drive to get it, phone someone to bring it or press a button and have it turn up. If we have to wait longer than 3 minutes in a line, the inconvenience is unbearable. When the power goes out, we find ourselves lost for something to do.

What is wrong with us?!?!

All I know is that when I’m far removed from the convenience of society and digging deep into my inner reserves of endurance or being captivated by the adventure of exploring something or somewhere new, I feel connected. At times like these I can experience pain, exertion, and beauty; and it feels good.
The Pain tells me I’m alive and what I’m striving for is being earned. The Exertion is proof that it is real and my body and mind are reaping the benefits. The beauty is in the simplicity of the experience – just me and the goal, or the lack of one…

If you have children, show them how it’s done. They will follow in your footsteps both literally and metaphorically. Be the kind of bright shining example of living for them that you would want to be remembered for.

My wish for you is that your life will be filled with scars.

The permanent impressions of effort, challenge, toil and adventure. Don’t save your body for later. Use what you have today to see what memories you can create for tomorrow.

Run long,

Shaun Brewster.

To read more from Shaun visit Brewsters Running on their website.

Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

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