Solo vs. Group Running
Solo vs. Group Running

We all have our own reasons for becoming a runner. Are you trying to get in shape? Are you training for a specific race? Or do you just love to get out and move?

When I started running, I did it as a stress relief. As I improved, I stayed motivated from the weight I lost and how much better I felt, so I started making distance goals for myself. Those distances gradually got longer and my goals became bigger. I went from working up to my first half marathon to training myself for my first full marathon all in less than two years. However, I did it completely on my own. I had the support of my family, but I planned alone, I trained alone, and I raced alone.

As time went on, I made friends in the running community, but I still ran solo most of the time. When I took the leap into ultra marathons though, I knew I would need people to help me get out for those longer distances and also to learn the trails. So I got involved with a running group organized by my local running store.

At first, I was intimidated to join a group. I was still a newbie and wasn’t sure I could keep up with everyone. I went out one weekend only to realize that everyone was of a different ability. There were no expectations; they were encouraging and willing to wait for the new kid. I felt very welcomed so I continued to meet them on a regular basis. I still had days when I ran solo, but they were fewer.

Running solo is not a bad thing. At times it is necessary to clear your head or to know you can make your own decision on distance, terrain, and pace. But you’re also on your own to find the motivation to stick with your goals.

Personally, running with a group for me is better. It is easier to get out of bed when it’s still dark when you know someone is counting on you to show up. When you run with other people, you can learn from their experiences and challenge yourself to keep up with someone faster than you. Or maybe you are the one offering the inspiration to the new runner. You are not alone when you are lacking the drive to continue, and it’s also safer to run as a group.

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to solo or group running. We all have our own sources of motivation as well. Running with a group has not only helped me improve as a runner, but has given me some of the best friends I’ve ever known. These people understand why I run. I still have my solo days, but my running group is like my second family. I encourage anyone to try running with a group. Find one that is encouraging, committed, and fits your style. Solo running is okay, but accountability helps us keep going.

Happy Trails!   


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