Runners LOVE Bathrooms
Runners LOVE Bathrooms

How many bathroom stops did you make?

You’d be hard pressed to find a runner who can not relate to this question. Here is a funny, but a very real picture of how many trips a runner makes to the bathroom before a race.

Runners you know exactly what I’m talking about, do not try to deny it. I’ll set the scene for you here. You’ve signed up for your race, and it is the night before. You have been drinking water like there is no tomorrow all day long because you know the importance of being hydrated. You make your way to the bathroom for TRIP #1.

You determine going to bed early will do your body good to get plenty of rest. Happy, you have made it to bed at a reasonable hour. You lay there.  You ponder over whattomorrow’s events will bring.  You wonder about how many people will be there, who you will see, wonder about that nagging injury you’ve had. Then the wondering thoughts change to worry. You worry you’ll forget something then you go over each and every item you have so diligently laid out. Then you worry what if you might oversleep so you once again, check your alarm and just to be safe set a 2nd one.  Satisfied, you realize you are wide awake. Why can’t you go to sleep? You try to relax, focus on your breathing. All of a sudden it hits you. Maybe you can’t go to sleep because… you have to go to the bathroom. Out of bed, you climb and head for the bathroom for TRIP #2. (I see you smiling).

It’s morning and your alarm goes off, you slept like a baby and are refreshed and recharged ready to get your race day going.  First things first, your feet hit the floor and head for the bathroom for TRIP #3.

You go ahead, prepare your pre-race meal so all of your 6 oz of water will be eliminated in plenty of time to run. You’ve got your half a bagel with your peanut butter and also half a banana cut up on top.  After you take that last bite you realize that the 2 ounces of water are not enough to wash down the sticky peanut butter, but you make do because you just don’t need any more liquid. On to putting on your race clothes, fixing your hair under your visor, down to pinning your bib number and tying your shoes. Making great time you have everything you need ready to walk out the door and you….. head to the bathroom for…..TRIP #4.


In your car, you are listening to the radio and also the GPS telling you turn by turn. You get to thinking again about the race, did you forget anything?  The thoughts of worry flood your mind again, your stomach churns and churns and you see a convenience store. Decide you better go ahead and go just in case there is a long line at the porta-potties. You quickly park and run inside trying not to make eye contact with the clerk when she looks your way because you are only using the facilities not making a purchase. You slip into the back room, for TRIP #5. 

In record time, you made it to your destination. Parking was a breeze and with plenty of time to spare you make your way to the starting line for Trip #6.  

Back at your vehicle, you gather your items needed for the race, check your number once again, “Yup I got it.” You’re ready to make the trek to the starting line acting like you haven’t been once already. Let’s get this race on! Once there and still with 10 minutes I might add, before gun time you look around to do an assessment of your surroundings, how your feeling, and stretch a little. You look towards the line to the porta-potty and it isn’t that bad so…… TRIP #7.

It may not be your favorite subject, but if you are a runner you know all about the numerous trips to the bathroom.

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