Today, I Run
Today, I Run

Today, I run.

I run for health. For that calm alertness to follow.  Sometimes it ‘s controlled, deliberate and precise. Other days, done with abandon — the clock be damned! Just go! Push!  Whatever comes, I will be high all day. Work and conversation smoother, food tastier, slumber a bit sweeter. Its own reward.

I run because that is the time to simply be. Time when there is no room to lament  the past; no time to worry about the future. No time to call or sit or text or e-mail. This is the time, my time, to move, to breathe, to strive. To struggle. To count, tally, record. To embrace the gift of being.

To send that primitive message to the mind: That we moved today. We wandered, pursued, hunted. We were chased, maybe. And we survived. Like those before us, who made us, who are us. We ran.

And we might need to be just a little faster, go a little farther tomorrow. So, make sure we’re ready. Adapt. Make us go faster, farther.

So tomorrow, I run.

Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

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