7 Tips On How to Stay Positive During Training
7 Tips On How to Stay Positive During Training

You’ve made up your mind you want to do it, whatever that “IT” is. Your mind will play dirty, nasty tricks on you to get you to thinking you can’t do something. It’s mean, rotten and deceptive and if you let it, it will win. See, a part of it does NOT want you to succeed. That little voice that says you can’t, you won’t. Kick that thing to the curb! You can and you will! I use examples of running, well because I RUN, you replace that with what you see fit.

During training, I found myself bogged down with negative thoughts and they were getting the best of me. I hope these tips will help you to avoid going down the same path and focus on positive ways to get through those tough training sessions.

Staying Positive

  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. It’s not a matter of if, but when it will happen. When thoughts of things you can’t do come into your mind replace them immediately with things you can do. For example if you can’t physically go another mile, I bet you could go another half a mile.
  • Find the best in every situation.  You have “X” amount of miles to do today on your training schedule and it’s hot or cold, instead of thinking how bad it is think of things that are good about it. I’m not hurting, it may be cold but not raining, I have on my favorite running tights and it makes me look 10 pounds lighter!!! Find something good in everything and focus on that.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Maybe that running buddy that you like is actually bringing you down, they complain all the time, you don’t have to be mean just distance yourself, get a game plan, try to motivate them to turning away from complaining to gratitude.
  • Reset and regroup. No one is perfect and we all have short comings. Some days we just can not do what is expected or planned. Know this and move on. Getting in one mile is better than nothing at all and chances are once you get out there and start you’ll be able to finish what you set out to do.
  • Write down positive quotes or bible verses. I have a verse I go to and I love chanting it when I think my legs will not go another step.  I take the focus off them and repeat the verse over and over. You may want to have a post-it with positive sayings and look at them before a run try to remember them during your run.
  • Think about things you are grateful for. When the negative thoughts come, think about those things. After being injured and could not run, when I got well I was grateful for any time after that I was able to run. Remember what YOU take for granted someone else is praying for.
  • Coach yourself. Put someone else in your place, someone who is struggling and wanting to quit. Talk them through it, encourage them, be that supportive friend only do this to yourself. Think about what you would say to them, only one more mile, you can do it, you are doing awesome, just look how far you’ve gone.


When the negative thoughts are getting the best of you, remember these tips when training for your next race.

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