Caught in the Dark
Caught in the Dark

Daylight runs out pretty early here this time of year. Which, for those of us who enjoy being outdoors, means there are far fewer hours in a day to do so.

In fact, just recently I was trying to squeeze in a run after work and completely misjudged how much longer I had until the sun would be setting. I found myself still two miles back on the trails and surrounded by darkness. Like total darkness, as in even the moon’s light remained hidden behind a thick sea of clouds. Which normally wouldn’t have been a big deal had I brought along a headlamp. I just hadn’t thought that far ahead since it was still plenty light out when I’d left the house.

It sure made for an odd pace though as I slowly but surely eased my way back to the safety of the main roads and the streetlights lining them. For one thing, those hills are home to all kinds of animals (all vicious and hungry and just waiting for nighttime to come out—at least in my wildly imaginative mind, lol!). Thanks to this fear-factor, I was filled with all the adrenaline I needed to go as fast as I wanted. Both my thoughts and my heart were definitely racing! At the same time though, I felt forced to hold back. I couldn’t see the trail’s surface well enough to beware of all its little dips and obstacles, and I certainly didn’t want to trip and fall or roll an ankle (cause then I’d really be bait for all those wild things lurking!).

But it got me thinking—as running so often does—about life in general. About how strange and scary and frustrating it can be when we find ourselves facing this type of dilemma. Possessing all the desire, ability and energy necessary to move forward at full speed with something, and yet being forced to deal with circumstances that inhibit our momentum.

Not that we can’t get where we’re headed. Rest assured, I did eventually make it home. And of course we don’t always get there unscathed. I did acquire a few more scratches than usual as I couldn’t avoid the brush as well in the dark. But perhaps most importantly, it’s that lesson or two we stand to gain along the way that inevitably prove to be helpful the next time we set out. If only we can learn it. …and let’s just say I haven’t been caught in the dark again without my headlamp since.


Reposted with permission from

Learn to push through pain. Cause it 

will hurt, and hurt, and hurt, and then

one day... BOOM !!! Stress fracture. 

Then you rest

The hour when legends are either 

waking up or going to sleep
BOSS: "Hey, can you hop on Zoom 

real quick?" 


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