Because of Running
Because of Running

When you are doing what you love, it opens doors of endless possibilities–crossing finish lines you only dreamed of, setting personal records that you hoped for, finishing something you started.

Because of running…

Sometimes you fail.  No matter how hard you trained or how much heart you put into it, there are times when things just don’t go your way.  But there is always a lesson to be learned in those toughest of runs.  And somehow you find yourself thankful for those hard runs because of what you learn about yourself.  Because the balance of those heart breaking runs make the good runs that much sweeter.

Because of running.

Having the passion to talk about doing what you love and sharing it with others…then hearing words that are like music to your ears: I feel that way too.

Because of running…

Seeing the friend who said they would never run more than a few miles, but suddenly, they are helping pace you for 14 miles of a 52.4 mile race. All so you can accomplish your dream.  And you are humbled by their friendship.

Because of running…

Suddenly finding yourself in a cause bigger than you–raising money for the Bonnie J Addario Lung Cancer Foundation–your heart aching for those fighting the battle.

Because of running….

Going out for a run, knowing you need it to clear your head and help you sort through your day’s biggest worries and when you finish, drenched in sweat, breathless, lungs aching, you feel a little bit lighter.

Because of running…

It has the potential to change lives–to improve your health, strengthen your body, but most importantly, it transforms your heart. It shows you just how strong you are.   Sometimes it’s just a run but there are times when it’s something more.

And only you and other runners know just  how special it is.

Because of running….

Never Give Up,

Happy National Running Day

It’s one of my favorite things to write about…so I’d love to hear, what do you love about running? What do you get from it?  How has it changed you?

Seen a lot of slim chicks posting their

workouts on here so I thought I'd join 

the fun
Warning : I will bully every one of you

into daily stretches, plyo drills, crazy 

intervals, lifting heavy weights and 

epic long runs
104 °F.....  As my Grandma says, 

"Marathon training ain't for p*ssies."

Crazy old lady is right.

New Featured eBibs

GROUP RUNS... 5 minutes of friendly conversation followed by 1 hour of listening to lots of people breathing really hard.
You know you'd better pick up the pace when a Banana is on your tail... and  gaining
Pssssst... I have a secret...... It's supposed to be my rest day.... But I ran.
"I sure wish it was hotter and  more humid out.." Said no runner ever!
You know you're a runner when.. 10 minutes after a half-marathon you think "Maybe I should switch to 10Ks. This is killing me!" .. And an hour later you're looking up  FULL marathon  websites!
When your legs get tired, run with your heart. If that doesn't work, just keep moving towards the free beer.
I hate when people ask me what I'm  doing over the weekend because  "running 10-20 miles" makes me  sound boring AND cocky  at the same time.
I heard you like to run ultramarathons. So you ran an ultramarathon to  train for your upcoming ultramarathon??
Me contemplating wtf i'm going to do with my life because it's raining  and i hate treadmills.
Do you enjoy being alone?  Marry an ultrarunner !!
That awkward moment when you wave "Hi" to another runner..... And they  pretend you don't even exist.
Today's running forecast... BALLS.  It's hot as balls.
Marathon Training Log  *DAY 49* I've completely forgotten what it feels like to not be a little bit sore all the time
I don't know Bill... Maybe we went out too fast *Marathon Mile 1*
I don't always run with perfect form. But when I do, I'm passing by the ladies
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