You Call Yourself a Long Distance Runner? #Proof
You Call Yourself a Long Distance Runner? #Proof

Distance Runners.

We are a unique breed in my opinion….possibly slightly crazy I would even venture to say?

1. You wear compression socks even when you aren’t running, and I’m not talking for recovery. But because you LIKE to wear them.  CHECK!

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2. You get butterflies waiting for race registration to open up online. CHECK!

3. There is a cabinet in your kitchen specifically for fueling/hydration. CHECK!

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4. You have watched a marathon on TV. To the average person it’s almost as exciting as watching paint dry. CHECK!

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5. You have painted your toes….where the toenail USED to be. *This has actually never happened to ME, but to most of my long distance runner friends.*

6. You have nightmares about forgetting your GPS watch on race day.  CHECK CHECK!

7. You can remember all of your race PR’s but you can’t remember the year of your child’s birthday. Yep, that just happened to me…..*sigh* CHECK

8. You have turned down a night out with your friends or a date with your husband because you have to get up early the next day for your long run. CHECK CHECK CHECK

9.  You document your mileage, pace and every detail of your run using an online tracker AND an old fashioned paper journal.  CHECK CHECK!

10. You own multiple torture devices. CHECK!

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11. You wear Kinesiology tape like it’s a fashion accessory. OHHH, Definitely CHECK!


12. You see an orthopedic doctor, a physical therapist, a chiropractor, a masseuse and an acupuncturist to keep you running.  Sometimes all in the same week. *Ok, so I’ve never seen an acupuncturist.*blogger-image-738965453

Reposted with Permission from This Mama Runs for Cupcakes

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