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Therapist: and what do we do  when we feel like this? Me: sign up for another race Therapist: no
"What's your favorite hobby?" Me: You mean between running and  being a bitch?!?
me: i haven't taken a photo of me  during a run in awhile  *takes photo* me: oh that's why
I'm having one of those days  that's not a Saturday
That moment when you have so much  to do that you decide you are not  going to do any of it...and just go for a run.
Therapist: and what do we do  when we feel sad? Me: buy running shoes Therapist: no
"I'M SUCH A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND" When my friends 'runfie' has been  posted for three minutes  and I'm the first to like  and comment
CAUTION: Fall Marathon dates on     calendar are closer than they appear
Am I poor or is everything expensive?
Why do I have to pee again, I just peed, a race report.
**before the race ** I try to act nonchalant but underneath  i am chalant as fuck
Yesterday's happy hour is today's fuck, fuck, fuck
I know I've truly grown into a strong determined runner because I can still literally do anything  while injured.
It doesn
When you cut your weekly mileage  before a race, is it normal to want to  cut a bitch too?
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