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*comes home from race* No one:  Literally no one: Absolutely no one: Me: GUESS WHO PRd  TODAY, BABY !!
It's always too hot, too cold, too hilly, too flat, too wide, too narrow, too many people, not enough people, too long, too short, too early, too late, too fast too slow... At least until it's  done. Then it's too over  and you want to...
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Don't make me choose between  running and you!
Top 5 reasons to date a runner girl: 5
*bad day* ANXIETY:  You're gonna  run at least five miles  *good day* ME:  I'm gonna run at least five miles
Shout out to all those girls working on their strength. That sh!t is hard  and we're proud of you.
*early morning run routine* Drink some coffee, put on some  gangster rap and handle it.
TRIATHLON: Why suck at only one sport when you  can suck at three
In Race Entry Fees world,  $200 is  really like $11.40
NEW Runner Friend:  "I read a book  on injury prevention strategies.   How would you describe  your stretching routine?"  ME:
When you finally get a friend to  sign up for a 5k
I wouldn't say that running solves problems... but it prevents me from causing them.
That moment in the race when you  hear sirens and wonder if you  passed out and you're just  dreaming of finishing.
I like all of the things about running, like eating carbs, being cheered on,  and wearing comfortable  shoes.
I like going for runs at night because  the added fear of being murdered  really does wonders  for my cardio.
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