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Not sure how to celebrate Global  Running Day? Go for a run and maybe you
Today is global  running day and I
*Runner's High*  The feeling you get when  you buy a new pair of  running shoes.
Sore knee, huh? Have you tried icing it?
My brain cells, skin cells, and hair cells continue to die. But my stubborn fat cells seem to have eternal life.
Yep.  As soon as we are out of the  camera's man line of vision...  I am walking!
There is always that one parent at the  Kids' Dash race who thinks they are  in the Olympics.
Please don't forget... JUNE 5th is  GLOBAL RUNNING DAY.  (or, as we runners like to call it,... Wednesday)
"You're still a rockstar." I whisper to myself as I take an  Ibuprofen and climb into bed at 8pm.
When life is stressful, do something  to lift your spirits... Go for a run, go two or three thousand miles away.  Maybe change your name.
Live footage of me working  from home.
7,900,000 people are running right now. 4,300,000 are getting ready to run. 1,100,000 just finished their run.  And you.... well you're  reading this. Don't  be a tangerine!  GO RUN!!
*Runner's High* The feeling you get when you buy  a new pair of running shoes.
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