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Hurry, I have to find another porta-tree.
My FitBit really needs an option for 'Running while pushing a 43lb double stroller containing a 50lb girl,  a 30 lb boy, and a 10lb dog'
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners just stand there looking pissed.
My fitness goal is to get down to what  I told the DMW I weigh.
Thanks for being my running buddy.  That 30 minutes we spend bitching is  the best part of my day!
What are your plans for the weekend? Answer:Oh, nothing much. Just relaxing. TRUTH: Running as many miles as my body will allow.
Pre-Workout: 160 calorie protein shake. Post-Workout.. WHOLE 16" PIZZA !!
How long was your run? *GPS says 3.87 miles* Me: About 4 miles
Always keep a good bottle of wine  in the fridge for "special occasions." Obviously, my run is a  special occasion. I've  started running daily!
TYPES OR RUNNING INJURIES • 1% fell down or turned my ankle • 99% I feel unusually good I'm going to run a little longer and maybe run  a little faster. Wow I feel grrreat  WTF?? NOOOO, I OVER DID IT
The worst thing about being sick is constantly thinking about how out of shape you're becoming while you're sick.
SATURDAY: 90 minutes of running... followed by 14 hours of sitting  on my ass.
How far will I run today? Far enough to deserve this  many cupcakes!!
When people ask me what I do for fun... STRUGGLE.
Aging is not a disease. It's an opportunity. To qualify for Boston.
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