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True love is letting me go to  bed at 8pm on a Friday...  so I can run ALL the miles tomorrow
Congratulation on finishing  your first marathon yesterday.  And good luck with walking  down stairs the rest  of the week.
I went for a run but came back  after two minutes because I forgot  something.. I forgot I'm out of shape  and can't run more than two minutes.
Running is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting  different results. Oddly enough, that's the same definition for insanity. Coincidence? I think not.
Finding a  missing running sock feels like Christmas morning !!
MARATERNITY LEAVE:  A sick day utilized the  Monday after a marathon,  solely to avoid walking up  the stairs of your office  building.
You know you're a runner when... You don't drink, you hydrate.  You don't eat, you carb up. You don't rest, you taper.  You don't work out, you train.  Foam roll is a verb.
Shoutout to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap... Pulled  an all-dayer today. Pretty rough.
Hey, guys! Let's just keep the little sock secret between us...okay?
It's one of those days where  if I don't go for a run, you'll  be lucky not to see me  on the news.
Unexpected side effect of Taco Tuesday?  Wet fart Wednesday.
Not every run can make you happy. Running is not pizza.
My mom when I was 12 yrs old: "Honey. I'm worried you're watching  too much TV. Why don't you go  outside and run around?"  My mom when I'm 30 yrs old:  "Honey. I'm worried about how  much running you're doing.  Why don't you cut back...
*runs 100 milers* I admit that my level of weirdness is above the national average, but I'm comfortable with that.
I am not an early bird or a night owl.. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.
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