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There is no magic pill.  No special shake.  No secret diet.  Just get off your ass!
Why does it take two weeks to take off three pounds  and only two days to  gain 'em back?
Something only a runner would  understand... Traveling somewhere  new to run a race IS vacation!
She asked me to tell her those three words that every girl wants to hear. So I said "Buy the shoes!"
As I was running a 5k, I heard someone clapping for me. Then i realized it was just  my thighs cheering me on!!
RUN-GRY... When you are so hungry from your  long run or your increase in milage  that you must eat.all.the.things!!
Some days you eat salads and go to  the gym. Some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants.  It's called balance.
You know you're a runner when... The thermometer says 45 degrees  and you think Score! Optimal running weather!!!
Recovery... another little evil word  from the running world.. almost as ugly as Taper.
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... it ain't easy!!
Marathon Thoughts:  I'm going to die. But if I don't,  I totally want to do this again.
Having a productive work week before marathon weekend. Yeah, not going to happen.
You know you're a runner when... You no longer hate port-a-potties. In fact, there have been times  you've been very happy  to see one.
Be gentle... it's our first time. 26.2
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