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Best thing about Monday? Telling everyone about your PR from the race  over the weekend!
Well, I went for a run in the rain today... And I didn't melt.  So there goes that theory.
The awkward moment when you are  lifting more than the guy next to you... Just kidding.. not awkward, straight awesome!
I'm really sick and tired of food having calories.
What do I think about when I run? Sometimes I fantasize about a world where I'm in charge, chocolate makes  you skinny, and everything is always  75% off.
Difficulty sitting on a toilet? Dread even the sight of stairs? Difficulty getting out of bed? Difficulty walking?   DIAGNOSIS: ran a marathon!
Always keep a good bottle of wine  in the fridge for "special occasions." Obviously, my run is a  "special occasion". I've  started running daily!
You know you're a runner when...  Your Sunday mornings are earlier  than your Mondays.
How do you know if someone is  a runner? You'll know because it's  all they talk about.
"Training is making me lose so much weight!!"  ...said no marathoner ever!
I may appear harmless... But inside I'm completely badass.
1 mile = 11O calories  1 Beer = 145 calories  Guess it's time to run  another marathon...
Dear boys, until you start having  periods, babies, ...and run 26.2 miles  just for fun, you're not as strong  as you think.
Win or Lose... We Booze !!
Yes, I'm guilty! I just killed  my workout.
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