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How can you tell if someone ran a marathon? Don't worry, they'll tell you.
Yelling "Run Forrest Run" at me?! I'm blown away by your creativity!
Pain is temporary... but your finishing time posted on the internet is forever.
You know you're a runner when...  you sprint through the yellow light like it's the finish line because you  don't want to wait...
You know you're a runner when.. you try guessing the pace of a runner as they pass you.
Running keeps me busy until  acceptable to have a drink.
.... Because it's OK to smile at  Mile 21!!
Just remember.... left, right, left,  right.....  repeat.
The voices told me to buy more  running shoes.
You know you're a runner when...  you are looking forward to a girls  weekend that includes a half-marathon!
If you don't go for a run then how  are you supposed to know when to  take a shower?
In ultra running; whether you come in first of last of the pack, we all smell the same.
Cinderella is proof that  a pair  of shoes can  change your life!
RUNNING... Because dieting is NOT an option!!!
In order to kick ass you must first  lift up your foot.
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