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Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
Make-up on a long run? I'm lucky if  my hair doesn't look like a rabid animal died in it.
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
Mimosas - a socially acceptable way  to start partying after a race....  at breakfast!
PROCAFFEINATING: (n) the tendency to not start anything  until you've had a cup of coffee.
I'm sorry for what I said  before I had  my run.
Relay Season!  It's all fun and games until your teammate gets lost and  runs to the wrong exchange.
No Line At The Porta Potty!!
The reaction you have when you think it is a snake but it turns out to be a stick!
If one more person yells "Nearly there" When it's a mile away... GOD HELP THEM!!
We'll stop posting about our running when you stop sharing photos of your food.
SHUT UP, PAIN! I trained not to stop until finish line!
1 run per week will make you quite fit. 2 runs per week are ok, but still weak. 3 runs per week will make sure you    never get sick! 4 runs per week are just about it. 5 runs per week is more than you need. 6 runs per week is a little bi...
You might be a runner if your new best friend is someone you just met on the race course.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! And 3 runs per week make sure you  never get sick!
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