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If you think I'm crazy for running, you should see me when I've missed a few days.
I love the simplicity of running.   Just you and your running shoes.     And a tech shirt, GPS watch,  MP3 player, heart rate monitor,  headlamp, hydration belt, hat, sunglasses, rain jacket...
The face a runner makes when trying to eat a gel packet or more commonly referred to as "Flavored Snot"...
When you find out the flavor Gatorade at the aid station is your least favorite...
You used my Body Glide where?!?  Yeah, you go ahead and keep that.
Sure, I have a runner's body. I have a body and I run with it.
How many 'learn to run' clinics can I take before I'm a 'terminal beginner'?
Just standing here at mile 25.2 making sure no one says, "You're ALMOST there!!!"
$180 for new trail shoes. Worth every penny!
Finish line.... must... sprint...
If everyone strapped on 50 lb weights,  I'd be the fast one!
Seriously considering wearing a diaper for my next half, but I'm worried about the chafing.
Is it wrong to want to wear this medal constantly for the next week?
...maybe Ryan Gosling is waiting at the finish line....with a beer...YEAH!  Let's go girl!
Toes with nail polish? (10) Toes with REAL toe nails under the polish? (classified)        RunningOnTheFly
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