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Scientific research suggests that  runners lose both their sense of personal space and smell after completing a race.
Running circles in front of your house  because you can't end at 4.91 miles.
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Sometimes I like running more  than people.
Is summer still a thing? Does warm weather still exist? Will it ever come back?
Definition of a running buddy:  Someone who will not only listen to but empathize with your TMI digestive  issues.
Up before dawn.   Run multiple miles. In sub-zero temps. Do it again tomorrow. Because....
You may be training for a half, but you have my full attention!
"You can run slower tomorrow...  when no-one is watching."
Then only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.
OMG!!!  That wasn't a fart...
Marathons are like having kids.  Sometimes you're not sure why you signed up for it... Then in a moment  it all becomes apparent.
You don't have time to  run? Original...
RUNNING. Cheaper than therapy.
It does not matter how slowly you go... as long as you don't stop.
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