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Why does the need to pee intensify by  a million after you start running a race?
Runs half marathons.  Still looks for close parking spots.
I'm not addicted to running.. I can soon quit as soon as I finish one more race...
I'd rather be the slowest runner  in a race anytime, than a spectator  for a lifetime!
I don't buy t-shirts or jewelry  anymore. I pay entry fees for  races with killer bling  and good race shirts!
"I am seriously considering becoming  a foot model." Said no distance  runner ever.
You know you're a runner when... You've tried to convince a friend to  run a 5k with you because,  "it's ONLY 3.1 miles."
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and somehow makes 2 hours or running fun!
That moment when you realize it's a  rest day... and you just don't know  what to do with your life anymore.
My 'alone' time is sometimes for your safety.
You either want to be a distance  runner or you want skinny jeans.  You really cant's have both.
Dear running,  Thank you for making me  love my legs.                 XOXO.
You know you're a runner when...  You finished 10 miles and you don't brag to your friends because it's not a big deal anymore...
Not training to be skinny, training to be badass.
4.89 miles is NOT 5 miles,  so I run around the block again.
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