
Why aim for 100 miles in one month? Because of Pumpkin Spice Everything!
Tired of my fitness posts? Just block everything health and  fitness related... You know like in  your real life.
We don't do it for the medals...  Said no runner ever.
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... it ain't easy!!
Tattoo pain and PR gains is how we spending 2024
Trust me, you'll never  know how big of a hassle  is getting dressed until  you're sore from a race.
Warning... I'm exercising, eating right and watching my alcohol intake...  Which means I'm sober, I'm cranky  and I'm sore. So proceed with caution!
Tangerines are oranges that didn't want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
Just when you thought your boobs couldn't get any smaller....   RUNNING.
We don't want to be Barbie, we want  to be stronger than Ken.
Need to get home. Where the food is.
When  non-runner friends ask if you are free this weekend... "Sorry, I have to do my long run.. then I'm going to  lay around all weekend recovering  from my long run."
"So, what race are you training for?"   "I'm training for a marathon, and you?" "Oh, I run marathons all the time. Usually those 5k ones."
Wearing underwear with running shorts  is like deep-frying a Twinkie.  It
The faster you run the sooner we'll  be drunk!
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