
Tangerines are oranges that didn't  want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
You know you're a runner when...  you get mad that an injury keeps  you from running, not that  it damaged your body.
Why does it take two weeks to take off three pounds and only two days to  gain 'em back?
You know you are determined when you bring your running clothes with you to work and you don't care if you smell the rest of the day.
2 rest days in a row..  Omigawd I'm gonna be  so out of shape !!
Runs half marathons.  Still looks for close parking spots.
You better clean that mess up...  Your mom didn't get to run  today... no telling what level of crazy we are working with!
If you were able to get just one of your friends to get up off the couch by your running or fitness posts, then it was worth annoying all the other ones with them.
Runners after the worst day they have ever experienced
What a fucking privilege to wake up  and be able to choose how many miles  I'm going to run today
"You trained too hard to walk.  MOVE IT!!"
Running circles in front of your house because you can't end at 4.91 miles.
No one said it would be easy... but they did say there'd be BLING!
Running in humidity is like running in the rain... must keep looking for the rainbow.
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