
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Running; the only time you'd eat slightly sweated on food.
Sometimes, running with friends is all  the therapy you need.
How many running outfits do you  need for a 5 day trip? I say 15 at least.
Socks, shirts, underwear, books, shoes... gifts for your children or for a runner?
I have blisters on both feet, I might  have a stress fracture on my left foot, and my legs are so sore it hurts to walk.  But I got a shiny medal saying 'Finisher' which is nice
Runner thoughts. "Happy, happy,  happy, happy, happy.... Does my knee hurt? ... ... .. Nope!   Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy...."
F*ck it. Just start quoting running  cliches in the comments
Having a job is cool and all but  everyday????? It's really starting to  mess with my training schedule
London Marathon....26.2 miles. Bring it on, I'm ready now.
Are you supposed to wear the hydration belt over the gut or underneath it?  I don't want to look like a dork.
RUNNING OXYMORONS:  * easy five miles  * "only" a half marathon  * humble marathoner  * sanitary porta potty  * ten perfect toenails  * pre-run stretches  * fast recovery  YIKES!!
I workout because it's good for me. Also, because I like to eat. A lot.
Running injuries suck!  No more racing until my hamstring is.... Oh look at the medal you get for this one!
When you look this good running, why would you NOT wear short shorts?
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