
RUNNING... Because dieting is NOT an option!!!
Running math is the only kind of math my brain can handle!
I'm just going to relax and enjoy a  quiet evening at home...  Mainly because I've spent  all my money on running  shoes and race entry fees.
Running won't solve all your  problems. But then again,  neither will housework.
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must . . .   . . . oh, screw it, I'm calling        a taxi.
idk who needs to hear this but whatever  running injury you have, it's your fault
You suck. You should fix that.
STAY FIT, getting back on track is so damn frustrating.
The best ab exercise is walking...  Walking away from the kitchen.
You had me to "Let's go running!"
When you find out the flavor Gatorade at the aid station is your least favorite...
Wait until we tell them we have to run back too!!
You used my Body Glide where?!?  Yeah, you go ahead and keep that.
Remember when you could refer to  your knees as Right and Left? Instead of Good and Bad. Ahh, good times, eh?
Please God - if you can't make me  fast, make my friends slow!!
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