
"PAIN is just the french word for bread."     ~ David Goggins
WARNING. I'm exercising, eating right and watching my alcohol intake... Which means I'm sober, I'm cranky and I'm sore. So proceed with caution!
Nobody has seen you at your ugliest  like your running friends have
Tangerines are oranges that didn't  want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
The truth is you can always run faster  but sometimes the truth hurts
Toes with nail polish? (10) Toes with REAL toe nails under the polish? (classified)        RunningOnTheFly
You know you're a runner when... you scoff at paying $10 for a movie ticket  but you'll happily pay  $40 for a 5K that you  hope lasts less than  30 minutes
My feet may not be pretty...  But I have killer legs!
The look your partner gives when they find out you searched races in order to plan the location and date of your honeymoon.
That point in the first mile of every race when you realize "I paid how much money? to abuse my body for how many miles??  and another T-shirt??"
I used to think runners were happy  'cause all those endorphins until I  become one. Now I know  it's 'cause we get to eat  and drink when we  are done.
Wondering what you'll do with yourself now that the kids are back in school but you're already awake? Why not  start a running habit!
Yelling "Run Forrest Run" at me?! I'm blown away by your creativity!
RUNNER: One who has six pairs of "retired" running shoes in her closet in addition to the ones currently in use.
That awkward moment when you've already said "what" three times and still have no idea what the person  said, so you just agree.
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