
Unless you are standing at mile 26 or 26.1, please do not hold a sign saying "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE"!
Wine doesn't solve any problems. But then again, neither does milk!
Runner thoughts.  "Happy, happy, happy, happy... ....Does my knee hurt" ... ... ... Nope! Happy, happy  happy, happy... "
Run because wine isn't calorie-free!
I think it's weird how some days I feel skinny and some days  I feel like a busted can of biscuits.
Just standing here at mile 25.2 making sure no one says, "You're ALMOST there!!!"
Marathons are like having kids.  Sometimes you're not sure why you signed up for it... Then in a moment  it all becomes apparent.
Friends don't let friends do long runs alone.
OMG!!!  That wasn't a fart...
Warning... I'm exercising, eating right and watching my alcohol intake... Which means I'm sober, I'm cranky and I'm sore. So proceed with caution!
Good things come slow, especially in distance running.
That awkward moment when you've already said "what" three times and still have no idea what the person  said, so you just agree.
Effort level for this morning's run: somewhere between OMG and WTF!!!
Running circles in front of your house because you can't end at 4.93 miles.
RUNNING.  I'm only in it for the socially acceptable day drinking.
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