
I run for the sole purpose of  eating more.   Don't judge me.
Dear boys, until you start having  periods, babies, ...and run 26.2 miles  just for fun, you're not as strong  as you think.
Win or Lose... We Booze !!
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Not as boring as it looks.
ROAD RUNNER                 Yasso 800's              ULTRARUNNER      Speed work,                I want 2 die         Taper, BQ
You think I'm crazy because I run??  Trust me, you'd see crazy if I din't run!
Finished my run.  And my stopwatch was off the whole time
You know you'd better pick up the pace when Batman is on your tail... and  gaining!
#RunnerProblems  When making weekend plans your first  thought is always, "when can I get my  long run in?"
5K, 10K, 13.1....... 26.2?? Never laugh at your wife's choices... You are one of them.
For me, a true champion is a guy who'd never ran before and decided it's time to change his life and start  running. Believe it or not,  that takes a lot of  courage.
Pulling those tights back up was comparable to putting on a wet  swimming suit.
I wonder... What do normal people do on a Saturday morning?
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