
So what fun things are you  doing this weekend??  Ummmm......  Running. No I'm not kidding.
Seriously considering wearing a diaper for my next half, but I'm worried about the chafing.
The best running partners create routes around bathroom stops.
"Runfie"...the art of taking the perfect pic mid run...
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and  somehow makes two hours of  running fun!
There is no magic pill.  No special shake.  No secret diet.  Just get off your ass.
RUNNING. Cheaper than therapy.
Never again until the next one - that's what a marathon will do to you.
Wave your hands in the air like you don't care!
Those 3 days after your marathon  where you regret laughing at the  "life alert" lady. "I've fallen and  I can't get up!"
I ran 3 miles this morning... so If I did my math correctly, I'm entitle  to eat 3 pounds of pie and a bottle of wine!
You can always tell who the strong  women are. They are the ones you  see building each other up, instead of tearing each other down.
Wait two weeks for event pictures to be posted. My face in every picture... What is that??
The hardest part about making a budget  is being honest about how much you  spend on running.
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