
Motivation fades, but purpose endures. Find your purpose. Embrace it, and you may suffer but you will never surrender.
Wait until we tell them we have to run back too!!
Not sure if I'm out of shape...  or I just suck.
Not every run can make you happy.  Running is not pizza.
My Fitness Pal should really have an entry for running with a 90 lb double stroller.
Runner's logic:  "I'm tired. I think  I'll go for a run."
I know it's Monday..  But where are we running next  weekend?
Sometimes you just want to say  "F@#k the world" and hit the trails.
STAY FIT.  Getting back on track is so damn frustrating!!
Not training to be skinny, training to be badass.
The best diet shake... is the shake your booty makes when  you run!
The moment you see the race photographer!
For someone who runs all the time,  I still have the ability to make it look like it's the first time I've ever tried.
ULTRAS. Where 10k's are just aid stations.
Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
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