
Running takes balls.  Other sports just play with them.
Just when you thought your boobs couldn't get any smaller...   RUNNING.
I'm glad I'm only competing with  myself because everyone else is  kicking my ass.
Running; the only time you'd eat slightly sweated on food.
London Marathon....26.2 miles. Bring it on, I'm ready now.
Socks, shirts, underwear, books, shoes... gifts for your children or for a runner?
I workout because it's good for me. Also, because I like to eat. A lot.
Runner thoughts. "Happy, happy,  happy, happy, happy.... Does my knee hurt? ... ... .. Nope!   Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy...."
Running injuries suck!  No more racing until my hamstring is.... Oh look at the medal you get for this one!
When you look this good running, why would you NOT wear short shorts?
There are a lot of posts with people sharing how much they achieved in 2023. But in case someone needs to hear this, just making it to January 2024 is an achievement. It's okay if the only significant thing you did this year was get throu...
Not a single soul has said 2024 is gonna  be their year. Y'all finally learned your  lesson I see.
Satellite...satellite...satellite...satellite... Come on already!
Runners after the worst day they have ever experienced
Trust me, running won't kill you.  You will pass out first.
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