
Not to brag but I've run every day  this year
Never make decisions  ...while running up a hill.
People are so worried about what they  eat between Thanksgiving and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between  New Year and Thanksgiving
There is no magic pill.  No special shake. No secret diet...  Just get off your ass!
Pain is temporary... but your finishing time posted on the internet is forever.
Trail Running; Because the squirrels are the only ones who truly appreciate my out of breath singing.
The hardest workout that no one talks about... TAKING A SPORTS BRA OFF!!
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners just stand there  looking pissed.
RUNNER: One who has six pairs of "retired" running shoes in her closet in addition to the ones currently in use.
Why aim for 100 miles in one month? Because of Pumpkin Spice Everything!
Tired of my fitness posts? Just block everything health and  fitness related... You know like in  your real life.
We don't do it for the medals...  Said no runner ever.
Trust me, you'll never  know how big of a hassle  is getting dressed until  you're sore from a race.
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... it ain't easy!!
I wanna be a 5am gym person so bad
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