
Teach your children the joy of running  and they'll never have enough money  to buy drugs
When it comes to Saturdays, I'm either running a million miles or I'm not leaving  my bed. There is no in between
I wish we could donate body fat  to those in need
The hardest part of training for a new  race is pretending that I'm still in shape the first 30-45 days
Yeah post-run stretches never killed  no one but why take the chance
If it's one thing about me imma put  some medals on yo timeline
Today I saved $479.58 by not going  into REI for GU
Came home after a short run and my  dog peed a little because he was happy  to see me. None of my friends pee when they see me. I'm surrounded by fakes
He's a 10.....but says he doesn't even drive 26.2 miles
Whenever the machines do take over they're going to access all the "sexy pace" runs from my GPS watch and  be like this guy is not a threat
The moment your Garmin dies.  It's like the run never happened...
I skip everyone's story but I watch  mine like 20 times
I couldn't be a pastor. I'd be up there  like "YOU MFS don't respect God."
I'm sorry if I don't wave or smile back at you while I'm running. It's just that I'm trying very hard to not die
Me contemplating wtf i'm going to do  with my life because it's 107 outside and i hate treadmills
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