
Some days you may just feel like  hibernating. But you must get up  and get out, and get going!  Continue your path...  Your dreams are  waiting for you!
Miles in one month... One number that you will be happy  to see go up and up!
When you realise your three main hobbies include going for a run,  naps and food.
WARNING: I'm exercising, eating right  and watching my alcohol intake. Which  means I'm sober, I'm cranky and I'm  sore. So proceed with caution
You're doing the best you can.... Which is f*cking embarrassing.
Running means pain. Blood. Suffering. Sacrifice.   ...Uh, where was I going with this?
STAY FIT, getting back on track is so damn frustrating.
Life is always good with my running buddy by my side.
Today we celebrate running around the world. Which is not as exhausting as it sounds.
My bathing suit told me to go to the  gym, but my sweat pants were like "Nah girl, you're good".
You don't have time to  run? Original...
Just when your thought you boobs  couldn't get any smaller.... RUNNING!
Why can't people just plan  their parties around my  race schedule??
What won't kill you will get you  your next PR.
And here we f*cking go again. I mean Happy New Year
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