
My bathing suit told me to go to the  gym, but my sweat pants were like "Nah girl, you're good".
Running means pain. Blood. Suffering. Sacrifice.   ...Uh, where was I going with this?
You don't have time to  run? Original...
What won't kill you will get you  your next PR.
Unless you faint or die..KEEP GOING!
Just when your thought you boobs  couldn't get any smaller.... RUNNING!
The awkward moment when you are  lifting more than the guy next to you... Just kidding.. not awkward, straight awesome!
Why can't people just plan  their parties around my  race schedule??
On the seventh day God decided  to rest... He did an easy five.
The next person to say "Oh, you're only running the Half", is going to get  punched in the throat.
I'm sorry for what I said  before I had  my run.
Just changed my Facebook name to
I took the road less traveled… Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
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