
Running...  When you decide to have a cheat meal, and all of a sudden it's 3 years later.
Who's idea was it to do the winter 8km cross? I knew I should have ran a 10k on the road instead.
...maybe Ryan Gosling is waiting at the finish line....with a beer...YEAH!  Let's go girl!
Running is about finding friends who are your kind of crazy!
People who eat loads of food and  never gain weight, I hate you.
There are a lot of posts with people sharing how much they achieved in 2023. But in case someone needs to hear this, just making it to January 2024 is an achievement. It's okay if the only significant thing you did this year was get throu...
Not a single soul has said 2024 is gonna  be their year. Y'all finally learned your  lesson I see.
"Training is making me lose so much weight!!"  ...said no marathoner ever!
"Runfie"...the art of taking the perfect pic mid run...
Seriously considering wearing a diaper for my next half, but I'm worried about the chafing.
So what fun things are you  doing this weekend??  Ummmm......  Running. No I'm not kidding.
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and  somehow makes two hours of  running fun!
The best running partners create routes around bathroom stops.
There is no magic pill.  No special shake.  No secret diet.  Just get off your ass.
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