
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners just stand there  looking pissed.
Tired of my fitness posts? Just block everything health and  fitness related... You know like in  your real life.
Why aim for 100 miles in one month? Because of Pumpkin Spice Everything!
We don't do it for the medals...  Said no runner ever.
And here we f*cking go again. I mean Happy New Year
Trust me, you'll never  know how big of a hassle  is getting dressed until  you're sore from a race.
Stop trying to be 'runfluencers'. We need ELECTRICIANS.
Trying to embrace taper week is like feeding a kid candy then telling him  to sit still.... it ain't easy!!
Learn to push through pain. Cause it  will hurt, and hurt, and hurt, and then one day... BOOM!! Stress fracture.  Then you rest
Just when you thought your boobs couldn't get any smaller....   RUNNING.
Warning... I'm exercising, eating right and watching my alcohol intake...  Which means I'm sober, I'm cranky  and I'm sore. So proceed with caution!
We don't want to be Barbie, we want  to be stronger than Ken.
Tangerines are oranges that didn't want it bad enough. DON'T BE A TANGERINE!!!
Need to get home. Where the food is.
My knee just cracked so loudly that  I half expect it to glow in the dark  tonight.
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