
Start long run on the  treadmill - look at the  watch after a while.  3 MINUTES PASSED.
Marathon Thoughts:  I'm going to die. But if I don't,  I totally want to do this again.
You know who NEVER says "running is really hard on your joints"?  People who actually run.
BREAKING: Runner Survives Bank  Failure Crisis By Not Having Any Money In The First Place
No matter how good you feel on your run... there will always be a mom pushing a stroller that's running  faster than you
Anyone else feeling guilty for not stretching but still not stretching lol
The tree in 20 feet or the port-a-potty in over a mile?
Here's to the wild ones, the misfits, the rebels. To those who've stumbled, made  mistakes, danced on the edge, been too  loud or too quiet. To the ones who've  lost their way, been broken, burned, and bruised. I've been there. Find strengt...
The worst part about running a 5K... is losing to somebody who is clearly  not prepared for it.
Up before dawn.   Run multiple miles. In sub-zero temps. Do it again tomorrow. Because....
Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants won't help.
Why does it take two weeks to take off three pounds  and only two days to  gain 'em back?
The hardest part about making a budget  is being honest about how much you  spend on running.
Tired of my fitness posts? Just block everything health and fitness related... You know like in your real life.
Was that one of those color runs?  The one question you don't want to hear after training and completing a marathon!
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