
Reply with a GIF of how  your last run went
How many times do I have to tell you, it's not a hill it's an incline!
Today's good mood is sponsored  by Running!
Some people can eat everything and not gain a pound. I click "Like" on  a picture of pizza and gain 5 pounds.
People are so worried about what they  eat between Thanksgiving and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between  New Year and Thanksgiving
Not to brag but I've run every day  this year
The hardest workout that no one talks about... TAKING A SPORTS BRA OFF!!
That point in the first mile of every race when you realize "I paid how much money? to abuse my body for how many miles??  and another T-shirt??"
Tempo and strides today, turkey and  pies tomorrow.
Running friend (n): One who listens, doesn't judge and somehow makes 2 hours or running fun!
Nothing stops me from running.... except the few minutes I spend on the ground passed out!
WARNING: Exercising for just 10 min a day raises your risk of posting inspirational quotes by 60%
I wanna be a 5am gym person so bad
The faster you run,  the faster you're done!
I used to think runners were happy  'cause all those endorphins until I  become one. Now I know  it's 'cause we get to eat  and drink when we  are done.
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