
Swearing helps.
Things only runners understand... Sizing up every street, path or alley for its potential as a running route.
Those 3 days after your marathon where you regret  laughing at the "life alert" lady.  "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
The Track: Where you go to run in circles in order to make progress.
1% of the population will run a  marathon in their lifetime; it's their obligation to talk about it so the  remaining 99% will know what they  are missing.
She's a 10 but she gets EXTREMELY irritable and hostile when she misses  her daily run.  She is me.
Me waiting to see results after a double run, a salad binge, and staying dry for three days
Things i struggle with as a runner:   1. running lol
You know who NEVER says "running  is really hard on your joints"?   People who actually run.
At this point, I feel like being tired is  just my personality
Do crackheads say "I can't get high  today because I'm lazy?" No, they go  make it happen !! Don't be outhustled
The Track:  where you go to run in  circles in order to make progress.
I've come to a point in my life where  i need a stronger word than f*ck
You're doing the best you can.... Which is f*cking embarrassing.
Never underestimate the strength of a woman. Never mess with one that runs 13.1 miles for fun.
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