
I'm sorry for what I said  before I had  my run.
Always run with a goal in mind –mine is to not throw up
SEVERE COLD WEATHER WARNING!!  People are being told to stay inside  unless going out is completely  necessary. Runners are being  advised to wear a hat
I called the cops on my own party last  night because I was ready to go to bed
...maybe Ryan Gosling is waiting at the finish line....with a beer...YEAH!  Let's go girl!
Who's idea was it to do the winter 8km cross? I knew I should have ran a 10k on the road instead.
I hate when the iPhone corrects "omw"  to On My Way! ...I'm not that excited for a mid week long run
Running is about finding friends who are your kind of crazy!
People who eat loads of food and  never gain weight, I hate you.
I'm the kind of person who's 100%  down for spontaneous crazy long runs, but also 100% down to lay in bed all day
Another fine day ruined by a long run
Dear taco trucks, please consider  cruising the neighborhoods like ice  cream trucks ey..
I like running, the word "fuck" and three people
"So when am I supposed to feel  zippy-zippy-fast and fresh?" I only have two more days until my marathon
The most awkward thing about running with friends is figuring out which person  is going to be the fast runner who is taking it easy for the day, and which person is the slowpoke who is  running much faster than  usual but pretending  t...
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