
Not sure if I'm out of shape...  or I just suck.
Not every run can make you happy.  Running is not pizza.
My Fitness Pal should really have an entry for running with a 90 lb double stroller.
I know it's Monday..  But where are we running next  weekend?
You know you're a runner when you  consider 'frozen eyelids' a small price to  pay for catching the sunrise... or is it just  early onset hypothermia?
Runner's logic:  "I'm tired. I think  I'll go for a run."
The best diet shake... is the shake your booty makes when  you run!
STAY FIT.  Getting back on track is so damn frustrating!!
Sometimes you just want to say  "F@#k the world" and hit the trails.
ULTRAS. Where 10k's are just aid stations.
Not training to be skinny, training to be badass.
For someone who runs all the time,  I still have the ability to make it look like it's the first time I've ever tried.
The moment you see the race photographer!
I'm 30 but I feel like I'm 20... Until I  hang out with some 20 year olds for  mile repeats. Then I'm like no,  never mind, I'm 30
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