New Featured eBibs

I promise to stop talking about my marathon after I run my marathon
I wasn't sure what to make for dinner, so I opened a bottle of wine and now I don't care. A lesson for us all  there I think.
"911 what's your emergency" Dog: yes where are my balls
Therapist: Are you sexually active?  Me: I signed up for Marathon Des Sables  Therapist: A simple "No" is fine
Top Seven Things About the Weekend:  1. I  2. Have  3. My  4. Long  5. Run  6. Fcck  7. Off
im an ADULT which means I don't  have any HOBBIES  if I have any FREE TIME AT ALL  I will go for a RUN
Can't believe as a kid I used to fall  asleep unassisted. No melatonin,  no CBD, just me and my eyelids  raw dogging it
This fitness girl I follow on insta  TREATED herself today with regular  eggs instead of egg whites...  eggs bruh...I will never be fit
“Trust the Taper” is the reason I have trust issues.
26 POINT FREAKING 2....The begging  be so litt..... Butterflies and lies
You know you're a runner when....lack  of running will have you mad at stupid  shit like why is this floor on the floor
Bitches hate when you're fast, pretty  and nice af. Now they gotta deal w/ the fact that they don't like you for  absolutely no reason other than being a hater.
"911, what's your emergency?" Dog: my owner went for a run without me "Have you tried eating the couch"
By a show of hands  Who doesn't give AF if nobody likes ur running posts
If we are on the zoom call and my  "gatorade" got a salt rim mind your business
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