New Featured eBibs

ME: "I'm just going to relax and enjoy  a quiet evening at home"  *Mainly because I spent  all my money on running  gear & race entry fees*
It's time to go for a run and I'm still walking funny from my last workout
What's more painful than running on  the treadmill? Earphones with  only one side working
PERSON: wow you ran 17 marathons..  you must be soooo healthy! ME:  *caffeine-addicted* *chronically tired* *occasional binge-eating* *shin stress-fractures* "Haha yeah idk it's just a lifestyle at this point"
I was born to be wild, but only until  9pm or so
I think I've reached that point in my life where happy hour is a nap
Heather, 42, BeachBody Coach Lives life by design.  Wants to be your FB friend. #heygirlhey
Me: I'm not competitive... it's only  a tempo run    Other Me:  f*cking destroy them
Me: *saves $20 from not eating out*  Me: I think I'll reward myself by buying this $160 running shoes
Anyone else reached that age where  you gain weight if you breathe
I either go for a run or I eat all the groceries I bought for the week.  There's no in-between
Running Shoes: buy us  Me: yes master
The older I get, the earlier it gets late
Something only a runner would understand... Traveling somewhere  new to run a race IS a vacation !!
Marry the one who buys you running shoes... They last longer than flowers.
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